I Won’t Be Purchasing From Too Faced Anymore – Here’s Why.

Ah, Too Faced. A brand that thrives on whimsy, pink, and all things girly. Honestly, until recently, one of my very favorite brands. I loved the colors, the pigmentation, and the yummy smelling palettes that they brought to the table. I didn’t really worry about the ethics of the brand, because I had never heard anything negative about them. That was until pretty recently, when the CEO of the company, a prevalent figure in the beauty community, decided to say some pretty ugly stuff.

He deleted the post pretty quickly, but not before people got ahold of the content. While it might seem to be light hearted, the beauty community has enough bad influences already, without big personalities getting involved. Then, the word dropped about the NikkieTutorials Palette contract. And. My. Heart. Broke.

If you don’t know, Nikkie makes incredible, heart warming videos and is a major player in the beauty industry. While I don’t know her, I can’t help but feel like she is the sweetest person. She’s done collabs with a bunch of brands, and has put out amazing products every single time. So naturally, when Nikkie collabed with Too Faced, the world was excited. After all, the product looked like it would be incredible. And then, it wasn’t.

Too Faced produced chalky, low quality products and put Nikkie’s name on it. Even then, the quality of the palette would be an opinion. The worst part of the ordeal was that Too Faced failed to pay her for her palettes for months. MONTHS.

So while Too Faced continues to put out cutesy palettes and collabs with people I love, I can no longer support their business nor their ethics. I can’t support companies that don’t support the creators and the people that push people to purchase their products. While it makes me incredibly sad, I would rather purchase products that are created by companies that value the beauty community, instead of exploiting it. Bye Too Faced!




2 thoughts on “I Won’t Be Purchasing From Too Faced Anymore – Here’s Why.

  1. I do not understand sometimes how those people just say things that are business friendly. Good for you for standing out to your work ethic and belief. Thank you for letting these words out. I will think of you every time i see this brand. Thank you- mei


  2. Well that goes to show that not all that shines is gold. I am not sorry that yet another compamy acts like that and buys the dust!


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